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Race & Performance Car Sales

At ROAR Performance, we are passionate about all competition and performance cars. We love the technology, history, prestige, sight, sound and smell of it all. Every vehicle is a unique proposition with its own story, therefore needs a bespoke sales approach. We know how to find the right buyer for each car.

Through a unique affiliation with we are positioned to provide an unparalleled service in the marketing and sale of your race and performance vehicles. Services include advert design, posting, optimisation and the handling of all enquires; a one-stop solution for getting your cars seen and sold. Similar services are available for transporters, spares and other key assets. 

All-in ‘Premium’ level adverts start from £300 +VAT inclusive of advert creation, posting, optimisation and the fielding of enquires. Inspection and car sourcing services available upon request.

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